Woodroffe North Community Assocation
Joined the community association executive 1996
He has been president since 2009.
Dave coordinates the activities of the organization
Primary contact person for WNCA
Represents WNCA at external meetings, e.g. Federation of Citizen Associations of Ottawa-Carleton
Vice President
Backup for President
Represents WNCA at external meetings, e.g. FCA, Federation of Citizen Associations of Ottawa-Carleton
Monitor development affecting properties within and bordering the Community
Keeps current with local governments’ plans and policies affecting development
Responsible for overseeing all the financial transactions of the Corporation and book keeping
Responsible for minutes for all our meetings
- Neighbourhood Watch coordinator
- Newsletter
- Social events
Website Developer and Manager
We are always looking for new team members. If you are a resident in the community (voting age), you can run for and serve on the Association’s Board of Directors. Or, you can help in other ways by assisting in the organization of events or delivering flyers etc. Please contact us at wncaottawa@gmail.com